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The Event Marketing Playbook –
How to Make Your Event a Success
In this playbook we’ll reveal our best-kept secrets on why and how to set up an event as a part of your marketing strategy, how to market your event, how to get the ideal participants to attend, and how to follow up and engage with them. We've included lots of tips and cheat sheets to help you through your marketing year.
Five good reasons to read this playbook:
How to increase the results from your events and how to optimize them.
Understand which events are truly valuable for your business.
Increase the impact of your marketing plan with successful events
Take advantage of the opportunities using modern event marketing technologies.
Get inspired!
Why make events a part of your marketing strategy?
Events do more than increase brand awareness and sales. They create and empower relationships, one of the main goals for any marketer. Relationships are important because businesses are all about emotions: the one with the strongest emotional bond will close the deal. Even in the digital era, when it comes to building trust, events play a more important role than ever.
Events are a great way to build your desired brand, raise topics to discuss, accelerate sales and engage customers. As companies have less and less facetime with their customers, events are one of the best opportunities for truly standing out from the crowd and improving the customer experience and buyer’s journey. But it’s not that easy anymore: customers have more options now, and today it’s even harder to get people to actually attend. As a result, marketers struggle with seeing events as part of marketing as a whole. Events may be seen as budget consuming, unscalable and as yielding poorly measured results.
We have good news for you: this is your chance to take your business to the next level. Events should be incorporated into your marketing strategy as true relationship-builders and boosters for the customers buyer’s journey.