Rewriting the rulebook on events and event management software - the launch of Lyyti Next Gen


Next Generation of Lyyti will be born on 15.11.2022 as we’ll launch something totally new. During the last two years, we’ve been rebuilding basically everything, starting from the database, API and technologies.

What you will first see is a modernised view of good old Lyyti. Once you start experimenting with it more and new features are being launched in an accelerated manner, the change will become increasingly evident.

This all is done so that Lyyti can be leading the event industry also for the coming 15 years. 

Navigating the future of events

I don’t think that many industries have faced such rapid change in such a short period of time as the event industry. During the past two years, events were first banned, then online events flooded in like a tsunami, and after that the experiments with hybrid events started. Finally, during the last months, live events have been on a global comeback tour. But, as live events have made their comeback, online and hybrid have not disappeared.

Due to the rapid market change, Lyyti’s vision has developed over the last two years. The propelling thoughts and ideas behind our vision have become crystal clear as we’ve pushed through times that have challenged the whole event industry more than anybody could have imagined.

Our vision is based on two things: change is not over and participant’s time will be more expensive in the future. Events will compete against all the other media for attention and all other possibilities to invest time in. This vision has fueled Lyyti’s whole business development and the configuration of Lyyti Next Gen, our soon-to-launch event management platform.

The everlasting event - change

We will also see other possibilities to facilitate encounters than traditional live events or digital events on top of Zoom or Hopin. What and when, time will tell. What works for the participants, will determine the survivors. I would still bet that live events are pretty strong in this competition.

How to cope with change?

The only way to cope with change is to experiment, learn and develop. Whether you are an event manager organising events or a product manager responsible for developing software for events, you need to be agile. Agility needs data to back up your decisions and to get correct feedback from your tests. Hence, the importance of relevant data will grow. 

To be able to plan and execute successful events, you will need to combine your event data to other data sources. Integrations and smooth collaboration with other softwares will be the key for a successful event management platform. And the key for your success is your ability to understand what is relevant data and what is not. We will help you with both.

How to maximise event participant’s return on time investment?

Believe it or not, event participants are very sophisticated decision makers. They will prioritise their calendar every day and make decisions based on their expected return on their time investment. 

Time is a non-renewable resource. It is also a resource that you can’t replace with an alternative resource. What you have now, won't exist tomorrow. Period.

The easiest way to maximise the value that a participant gets from joining your event is to continuously measure it, benchmark it and develop it. The best way to do it is by Lyyti’s Experience Value Score and Event Success Management. First results are easy to achieve, but even maintaining an achieved level requires continuous improvement. Competition is fierce. We want to offer tools and skills for you to keep up with it. 

From events to encounters

Our industry has always suffered from the “Tip of an Iceberg” - syndrome. Professionals in our field get to work with a tiny portion of the encounters that we could call “events.” Unfortunately the word “event” is often misunderstood badly. This leads to the situation that we end up developing the tip of an iceberg - those events that are already on a professional level. 

We need to be able to understand the event industry as a much broader entity that includes everybody who creates and facilitates encounters between people. Their job titles might not include anything related to “event”, but their decisions define how lots of people use their precious time. We in Lyyti want to be in the forefront to change this perception. We want to offer a platform to manage, measure, develop and execute every single facilitated set of encounters - whether it is called an event, training, meeting, exhibition, offsite or a seminar. 

Our Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG) is to help 1 000 000 events in 2025. Only by creating a super easy-to-use, flexible and scalable platform to manage, measure and develop every single encounter, we can - and will - reach that target. We will leave our dent in the universe by making sure that no one will spend your time on events (remember the broad definition!) that do not create value for you.


Want to know more?
Join the official launch of Lyyti Next Gen!


Hero photo: Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash