When working in any industry, there are going to be good and bad points. It’s a given that you will have to take the rough with the smooth, and events is no exception to the rule.
Happy conference goers, image courtesy of Conference Care
Working in events can be hard. You will have to deal with last minute changes and sometimes, cancellations. You will have to work with multiple suppliers on the same event. And then there are all kinds of circumstances which can crop up which are out of your control.
At the same time, whilst working in the events industry can be hard, with environments that are often high energy, creative and fun, working in events can also be very enjoyable and rewarding!
Whilst the above is an overview, in order to get a clearer picture of things, UK venue sourcing and event management specialists Conference Care recently conducted a client survey. With questions focusing upon event catering, technology, Wi Fi, event trends and favourite venues, Conference Care surveyed event planners, PAs, marketing managers and HR executives to discover their opinion on what it is like to work in the industry.
The variety
Of those surveyed, 13% said that it was the different range of events, locations, venues and day-to-day tasks that keeps them interested in the industry.
“No two events or clients are the same. With every event, we know that everyone’s requirements will be particular to them and there will be no ‘one size fits all’ solution.”
Long hours
“Everyone thinks it’s always glamorous – it’s NOT” said one client! Prep before the event; follow up after the event, travel, unsociable hours and staying away from family were all mentioned by 15% of respondents as a downside of working in events.
The people
It has to be said it’s unusual to meet someone working in the events industry who isn’t a people person, and 26% of those surveyed confirmed this by saying it is the people which inspire them in their events career. Those surveyed said that working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds, sectors and locations is what makes their job engaging.
“Working with different people and being part of something special is a great feeling. It’s always good to see a happy face after the event.”
Venue issues
Having issues with venues was unfortunately the highest factor of dissatisfaction. 42% of those surveyed said that poor service and lack of flexibility contributes to venues not meeting expectations. Whilst lack of technical support, organisation and communication are all cited as reasons why clients feel let down. ‘Nothing worse than when the venue turns out to be a disaster and my colleagues don’t enjoy their day’.
Job satisfaction
From the results of their survey, Conference Care found that all of their clients have differing levels of involvement with events. Some of their clients run events day in, day out. Some are required to find a venue for team meetings every now and then. Some are involved with regular product launches. Whilst others are just tasked with organising the office Christmas party.
Despite the level of involvement differing between clients, there was a recurring theme in job satisfaction. 41% of those surveyed said that job satisfaction is the best thing about their job.
‘The best thing about my role is the challenges of putting together an event; I get a great deal of satisfaction seeing the end result after months of planning.’
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