Lyyti’s Year 2023: Sustainability Edition


It is the time of year when we are publishing our sustainability report for 2023. Sustainability has been ingrained in the company’s mindset from the beginning, even though it wasn’t called sustainability back then. In recent years, we have elevated our sustainability efforts with the goal of understanding where we stand as a company and where we can further develop. While there is still work to be done, the yearly report keeps us on the right track.

In the report, we have identified four areas that are at the core of our sustainability: Lyytians, Event Impact, Data Security, and the Environment. For these four areas, we highlight how we have progressed and what has occurred during the year. We also take a glimpse into the future in the report.

Here are a few highlights from the report:

  • We reduced our emissions by 18% compared to 2022. This result stemmed from various sources: events, purchased services and products, and business travel. (More on page 23)
  • We initiated discussions about sustainable events through webinars and a workshop. We discovered this topic is significant and interesting among event organisers, and we aim to delve deeper into it. (More on page 11)
  • In 2023, Lyyti processed the personal data of over 32 million participants. Data security remains one of the most important aspects of the business and a topic that ranks high in our sustainability efforts. (More on page 18)
  • As a software company, our product purchases are relatively minimal, but last year, we acquired 188 hoodies. While we cherish our hoodies, delve into what this meant in terms of carbon emissions on page 25.

We will continue our sustainability efforts in 2025. If you wish to learn more about Lyyti’s sustainability initiatives or have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team.


Hero photo by Edward Howell